


医疗中心 employees and 学生 who wish to park on campus must:

  • 在运输和停车管理部门登记车辆并购买许可证.
  • 允许在以下地点停车:
    • 你的指定地段
    • 很多3-Kendrick North, between 5 p.m. 6 a.m., Monday-Friday
    • 8-MRB号拍品,售价为5便士.m. 6 a.m., Monday-Friday
    • Hospital Garage after 6 p.m.星期一至星期五 4、5、6级 (直到晚上10点.m. the following morning), and during weekends and University holidays:

4级- 黄色V, W, X, Y
5级-  蓝色的L, M, N, O

Permits are not valid for parking in the Cancer Center, 眼科澳门威尼斯人网上赌场所, 病人出院, 友善的关怀, 急诊科, 强烈的行为健康, or Musculoskeletal Lots at any time. Exceptions may be granted if visiting as a patient, but you must first call the 停车 Management Center at (585) 275-4524.


河校区 requires a valid permit Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. All permit holders must park in their assigned zone or lot during these times. All University paid permits are good on campus after 4:00 p.m. 星期一至星期五.

Areas posted as Reserved, any lots with gates in the down position, 消防车道, 人行道上, 草, 或者任何有禁止停车标志的车位在任何时间(一天24小时/一周7天)不得使用。. Permits cannot be transferred, altered, forged, or manipulated in any way.

新生 living on campus are not eligible for a parking permit.


学生居留许可的发放要考虑到学生的学龄. Resident 学生 may park 24/7.

Special Use Permits for Housing Areas
Special use permits for housing areas (University Park, 惠普尔公园, & 高乐大厦)只适用于指定的地区,而不适用于其他地区.

一旦你的车辆登记,将你的许可证贴纸贴在你的车辆上,如图所示 在这里.


备用车辆停放3天或更少,可以快速,轻松地添加完成 在线表单. If you would like to permanently add an alternate vehicle, you can purchase an alternate permit for $35/yr. per vehicle (with the exception of 河校区 resident 学生) at 我的网上停车, or stop by the 停车 office. Only one vehicle may park on University property at a time. 


Access to controlled areas for faculty and 工作人员 is obtained with AVI tags. AVI标签应该放在你的汽车挡风玻璃上,这样你就可以进入你被分配到的地段.


营业许可证必须附有另一张付费的大学停车许可证,有效期最多为 每天三小时.  Business permits may be used in the College Town Garage, 很多8, 很多3, or in designated “Business” parking spaces on 河校区.


河校区 permit holders visiting 医疗中心

For daytime meetings or training, 河校区许可证持有人可将车停在医疗中心1号车位(第二或第三排车位)-访客车位不得使用.

医疗中心 permit holders visiting 河校区

For daytime meetings or training, 医疗中心许可证持有人可以在威尔逊大道的信息亭购买每日通行证. to park on 河校区, or use a metered spot on Wilson Blvd. 短期停车.  从下午4点开始.m. 到午夜, any non-gated lot or non-reserved space on 河校区 is available for University permit holders; t在这里 is no overnight parking.

Disability 停车 Accommodations

对于可能需要停车相关设施才能进入工作场所的残障人士, 生活, 或学习, 根据美国残疾人法案修正案(ADA AA)和其他相关法律,大学提供残疾人停车设施. To request temporary or permanent closer-in parking, or a student disability transport, 请填写 我们的申请表格.


以确保我们的大学社区的安全,并获得可用的停车场, 交通和停车管理部门持续监控校园内的所有停车场和停车场,并在车辆未按照大学停车指南停放时发出罚单,作为与车主沟通的一种手段.

停车罚款可能是 在线支付, 邮寄、支票或现金或信用卡(Visa/Discover/MasterCard)到停车场管理中心.

Highland Hospital Permits

All paid Highland Hospital permits are valid in the College Town Garage. To enter/exit, press intercom and provide your name and permit number. 所有付费的大学许可证在高地医院车库的会议和工作相关的访问是有效的. To exit, write your permit number on the entry ticket. If you park at Highland Hospital for non-work-related visits, you will be required to pay the visitor fee.


While we endeavor to protect the property of our patrons, we are not responsible for the loss or damage to vehicles, 自行车, 摩托车, 或者它们的内容. Please report any loss or damage to Public Safety at 585-275-3333.


Permits for University Park, 惠普尔公园, 戈德房子, 企业森林, 罗彻斯特科技园, 商业地产, 和保留许可证只适用于许可证上指明的地区,而不适用于任何其他地区。.


When riding your motorcycle, please be sure to:

  • Display your permit on the front fork of your motorcycle.
  • Park in 你的指定地段 or in the motorcycle parking area of Lot 1.

如果很多都满了, 停车场管理中心将为该停车场的许可证持有人分配溢出位置. 溢流停车场只能在交通和停车管理部门的指示下使用. Use of an overflow lot under any other circumstance will result in a citation. 的 UR移动应用 offers real-time parking availability and overflow.

Permit Holder’s Responsibility

在泊车处登记车辆名称的人须对涉及该车辆的任何违规行为负责. It’s the permit holder’s responsibility to:

  • 向在大学物业内驾驶已登记车辆的人士告知《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》.
  • 知道他们的许可证什么时候到期,或者如果他们的许可证丢失或被盗,通知办公室.
  • permits are only to be used on the registered vehicle. Permits cannot be transferred, altered, forged, or manipulated in any way.

许可证持有人不得将需要多于一个车位的车辆停放在停车场(例如.e. trucks with snowplows, 等).  也, vehicles cannot be left in the parking lots for extended periods of time, 比如假期, 出城旅行, 等.

Replacement/Cancellation of 停车 Permit

If canceling your permit:

  • Return your permit to the 停车 Management Center.
  • T在这里 is a $30 for an AVI tag. 更换许可证的车辆被更换时,会发出更换许可证. 从你的旧车上尽可能多地取下许可证,并把它带到停车管理中心以换取一个新的.

停车场保留在特别活动期间使用任何停车场的权利.e., Meliora Weekend; Commencement).  An alternate parking site will be provided for your use.


所有教师, 工作人员, 学生, 在医疗中心作为病人或访客的附属机构必须在进入访客停车场时持有停车票,并在离开时付款. 游客必须打电话给停车管理中心,以便在执法名单上安排位置,以避免被引用.


绿色通勤是大学的一项运动,旨在促进员工使用交通工具,帮助减少通勤成本, reducing campus congestion, 促进澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和我们社区的可持续发展.


Requesting a transfer to another parking lot/zone, can be made 在线 并且在空间允许的情况下以首次请求/首次传输为基础进行处理. 员工将被放置在等候名单上,等待他们想要的特定地段/区域分配. Waitlists are reviewed regularly, and transfers are processed as space allows.


车轮锁定(启动)是一种固定装置,用作牵引车辆的替代方案. When an individual has a history of repeat violations, 更改许可证, or accumulates unpaid violations, their vehicle may be wheel-locked/booted.

许可证持有人必须在营业结束前对轮锁/开机作出回应,否则车辆可能在24小时内被拖走. 车辆s presenting an immediate public safety hazard, 是不起作用, or unlicensed will be towed offsite.

的 permit holder is responsible for the parking violations, 车轮抱死/ boot费, 拖, and any applicable storage fees. 现金或信用卡(Visa/Discover/MasterCard)只接受这些费用. Personal checks are not accepted.

Permit Holder’s Responsibility

  • 在泊车处登记车辆名称的人须对涉及该车辆的任何违规行为负责.
  • It’s the permit holder’s responsibility to:
  • 向在大学物业内驾驶注册车辆的人员告知停车指引.
  • 知道他们的许可证什么时候到期,或者如果他们的许可证丢失或被盗,通知办公室.
  • Permits are only to be used on the registered vehicle. Permits cannot be transferred, altered, forged or manipulated in any way.

许可证持有人不得在占用多于一个车位的停车场内停放车辆,例如.e. trucks with snow plows, 等.  也 vehicles cannot be left in the parking lots for extended periods of time, 比如假期, 出城旅行, 等.

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