
Annual photo contests showcase the diverse experiences of international students and students participating in education abroad programs at Rochester.

每年, 海外教育中心 (CEA)和 国际事务办公室 (ISO),单位内 全球参与办公室,给 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 学生有机会挖掘他们内心的摄影师. 通过他们各自的摄影比赛, the CEA and ISO challenge students to submit exceptional representations of categories such as “Cityscapes and Landscapes” and “UR Experience.”

参赛照片捕捉了学生周围的美景, 他们所沉浸的文化, 他们所建立的人类,有时是动物之间的联系, 以及他们经历中令人难忘或与众不同的方面. While the winning photos serve as CEA and ISO highlights from the 2023–24 academic year, 在那个时代 无限的可能性, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场2030年战略计划, they also provide captivating examples of why the University seeks to make further investments in scholarship support and experiential learning.

在接下来的六年里,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的目标是 加强和丰富本科和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生教育 通过学习学生在课堂外所做的事情, 比如出国留学, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, 和奖学金.

In 2023, the University sent about 350 students to 35 countries to participate in education abroad programs while providing an academic home to more than 3,000名国际学生. This year’s CEA and ISO photo contests drew submissions from 49 international students and 54 students who traveled abroad. 以下是提交的九张最佳照片. 
一匹棕色的马在一片阳光普照的森林空地上吃草,周围是高大的树木. 在晴朗的天空下,一座山峰在背景中清晰可见.意大利种马
Julia Schiavoni, 25岁,生物化学专业

信不信由你,这张照片不是人工智能生成的,这匹马也不是付费演员. Julia Schiavoni ʼ25 created this poster-worthy still on a hiking trail in Borca Di Cadore, 意大利, 同时参加了澳门威尼斯人网上赌场教授的一个暑期澳门威尼斯人网上赌场项目 南希的下巴. 多年来, Chin has taken small teams of undergraduate students interested in public health to this location. 斯基亚沃尼照片中的背景山是安特劳火山, 东白云石山脉最高的山峰, 位于Cortina d’ampezzo东南部, 是2026年冬季奥运会的举办地. It’s a significant landmark as the trip investigated the relationship between the region’s tourism and social justice issues.

除了访问加拿大,这是斯齐亚沃尼第一次出国. 她说:“这次经历让我在很多方面都走出了自己的舒适区。. “I was so fortunate to work with so many brilliant and experienced experts in this field.”

三个年轻人站在外面,身上涂满了五颜六色的粉末, 微笑和拥抱, 背景是树.

3月25日, 2024, 标志着胡里节的开始, 这是印度庆祝冬季结束的色彩节日, 爱, 以及正义战胜邪恶的国王Hiranyakashipu. 他希望每个人都崇拜他, 有一个故事是关于他和他妹妹的, 霍利嘉, 密谋杀害他的儿子, 毗湿奴的追随者).

这个节日很有趣. 人们通过燃烧柴火(在Hiranyakashipu象征性地竖起鼻子)来庆祝。, 跳舞, 和熄灭 一切 通过抛撒粉末(gulal)和溅水. This photo shows celebrants Ivan Gomez ʼ27 and his friends Paola and Martina in Moshi, Tanzania.

虽然戈麦斯称智利为家,但他在坦桑尼亚生活了两年. He was drawn to Rochester by the size of its international student body and the opportunity to study both film and business, 他觉得这很不寻常. “与此同时,这也与奖学金有关,”他说. 戈麦斯是该计划的受益者 戴维斯联合世界大学奖学金计划.

一个充满活力的夜间新加坡城市景观与闪电击中天空. 滨海湾金沙酒店的天际线灯火通明, 莲花形的艺术科学博物馆, 还有闪闪发光的新加坡摩天轮, 一切都映在宁静的水面上.

在正确的时间出现在正确的地点. 地点:新加坡滨海湾. Charlie Lu ʼ27 captured this awesome lightning strike from the walking path of Bay East Garden. 最引人注目的是滨海湾金沙度假村的57层塔楼, 艺术科学博物馆的花瓣形设计, 和新加坡摩天观景轮, 世界上最大的观景轮之一. Lu, 新加坡人, 是在探亲, 一个朋友提出带他去这个地方拍照. (多好的提示啊!)

一个正在上升的大三学生, Lu plans to bolster his 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 and internship experience and take in more of the local Rochester culture when he returns. 他选择澳门威尼斯人网上赌场是因为它的开放课程. “I want to explore different interests without being held back by course restrictions,他说. “到目前为止,我最喜欢的经历是介绍日语.”

A human tower is formed by a group of people, standing in front of a historic building with columns. 在楼顶可以看到旗帜. 塔底很宽, 到达顶部时逐渐变窄, 有几个层次的参与者. 围观者聚集在周围.巴塞罗那人塔
艾比·斯特格24岁,大脑 & 认知科学与统计学

Anyone who thinks human pyramids are the pinnacle of human structure building may not know about castells. Castells are human towers—as many as nine or ten stories tall—traditionally built at Catalan festivals in the Catalonian region of Spain. Abby Strugger ʼ24 photographed the castell being built above in Barcelona at the Santa Eulàlia Festival.

这样的节日是《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》选择IES Abroad Barcelona的原因之一. “巴塞罗那什么都有,”她说. “是山. 这是海滩. 它是西班牙中部的城市,即使在西班牙,它也有独特的文化.”

除了她参加的课程之外, 斯泰格在庞培法布拉大学上了两门课, 让她有一个更真实的大学校园体验. She recommends others do the same: “You are seeing other parts of the city and meeting students who aren’t just abroad students.”

攀岩者:穿着攀岩装备的人, 包括头盔和冰爪, 冰在两堵高高的冰墙之间攀爬吗. 他们使用冰镐并用绳索固定. 背景中的天空清澈明亮.
在冰岛的时候 . . .
Anastasia Thran 25岁,生物学专业

One of the biggest benefits of participating in education abroad in a European country is the access it grants to the rest of the continent. 安娜斯塔西娅·瑟兰25岁, 伦敦大学学院(UCL) IES Abroad London项目参与者, 我去过英国以外的10多个国家. During a weeklong UCL break, Thran decided to start checking off bucket-list experiences. 她预定了去冰岛的旅行,并安排了几次短途旅行, including snorkeling in Silfra Fissure and ice climbing on the Sólheimajökull glacier. 后者在上面的照片中被捕捉到.

而在伦敦的学习使Thran更容易在欧洲冒险, 她有充分的学术理由决定就读伦敦大学学院. “他们在英国拥有强大的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场实力,她说。, ,并成为一个直接招生项目, 给了我更多的灵活性. For somebody like me, a biology major, it’s hard to find programs with applicable courses.”
一个由六个不同的毕业生组成的小组, 戴着帽子, 礼服, 还有正装, joyfully pose for a celebratory photo on a sunny day in front of a historic building surrounded by lush green trees. 他们微笑着,摆着好玩的姿势,流露出兴奋和自豪.

如果从毕业帽上看不清楚的话, 照片中的学生容光焕发,因为他们刚从澳门威尼斯人网上赌场毕业. They’re probably also pretty happy that they didn’t have to pay to have this photo taken. 感谢阿达什·库马尔和 国际学生协会 (ISA), these and more than 40 other international students received high-quality photos of this major life achievement as part of ISA’s 毕业摄影倡议.

所有的照片都是库马尔自己拍的——事实上,上面的照片就是他的 第二次获奖作品 去参加ISO摄影比赛. 然而,他并不是学艺术的. 库马尔是印度瓦拉纳西人,他选择澳门威尼斯人网上赌场学习人工智能. “What makes Rochester great for AI is they offer a good amount and variety of AI electives, 让我能够完成我的计算机科学学位,并专注于AI. 在我的国家, I can only properly explore specialized tracks like AI while pursuing a master’s degree or PhD.”

A grand baroque-style white cathedral with a large green dome and twin columns stands against a clear blue sky. 这座建筑在宁静中映出美丽的倒影, 前景是一池清澈的水, 人们聚集在它的基地周围.选择巴洛克风格
Elizabeth Garijo-Garde ' 24 (T5),音乐和公共卫生

维也纳, 奥地利, earned the moniker “City of Music” for a legacy that includes being the home and workplace of renowned composers from Joseph Hadyn to Gustav Mahler and beyond. The classical music capital was a dream destination for Elizabeth Garijo-Garde ʼ24 (T5), 谁拉了15年的大提琴. 维也纳成为她期待已久的朝圣之旅的机会.

上图中的巴洛克风格的美是圣. 查理教堂(Karlskirche). 加里约-加德和她的室友去看了维瓦尔第的演出 四个季节 弦乐四重奏. 她最喜欢的经历是去奥地利阿尔卑斯山的一日游, 最后是维也纳爱乐乐团在金色大厅的晚间演出.

“这是我留学经历的象征,”她说. “我去看了莫扎特的公寓, 贝多芬的公寓, 维瓦尔第住过的地方——我澳门威尼斯人网上赌场了这么久的一切都活过来了.”

A person stands in the expansive, calm sea under a clear sky, with water stretching to the horizon. Their reflection is visible on the water's surface, creating a tranquil and serene scene.


Residents of the Greater Rochester region have the privilege of being about an hour from Lake Erie, 对五指湖的影响更小, 对一些人来说, 离安大略湖只有一箭之遥. 这很容易被视为理所当然, 所以澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的人可能猜不到这是安大略海滩公园的照片.

Yupei Miao ʼ24S (MS) took his drone out for a sunset flight along the lakeshore when he happened upon this unknown man having what could have been a profound existential moment or a moment of silence for a lost pair of sunglasses. (解释取决于观众.)

原产于西安, 中国, 苗最近在西蒙商学院(Simon business School)获得了商业分析学硕士学位. There is no shortage of reasons students make this decision; one of the deciding factors for Miao was technical. “西蒙将教你如何使用Python,他说, 指的是通用编程语言. “我也喜欢澳门威尼斯人网上赌场非凡的多样性.”

耀眼的橙色日落照亮了约塞米蒂国家公园的半圆顶山峰, 高大的树木环绕. The clear, still water below mirrors the vibrant rock formation against a deepening blue sky.

Stella Fu’24,商业营销 

Perhaps only the most dedicated of national park devotees would recognize this rock formation, 图为他在约塞米蒂国家公园的半圆顶上模仿夕阳. 这是在哨兵桥拍摄的. 在公园的薄雾小径上度过一段时间后, Stella Fu ʼ24 hiked to the bridge and made this breathtaking golden-hour photo of the well-known batholith.

傅先生听说在夏天参观公园特别有益, 但那是指瀑布. 显然,这也是拍照的好时机.

原产北京, 中国, 付选择在美国学习,因为它提供了最大的学术灵活性. 她被澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的开放课程所吸引, 这让她在第一年和第二年探索了一系列学科. “我在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的时光充满了难忘的经历,她说。, 就像在苏珊·B的屁股上滑雪一样. (Anthony大厅).”
